Sean Hannity claimed he had “never heard of” the Proud Boys. He hosted a member on his show in 2017. Article 10/16/18 1:03 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham hosts leader of right-wing group responsible for violent Portland riots for softball interview Article 10/15/18 11:24 PM EDT
Hannity and his guests lie about violent rioting by pro-Trump supporters, claim it was “the left” Video & Audio 10/15/18 9:54 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson laughs at the mention of babies in cages as part of Trump's family separation policy on the Mexican border Video & Audio 10/15/18 9:46 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Elizabeth Warren mocked Native Americans, then makes a Trail of Tears joke, calls her Lie-awatha, Fake-ajawea, and Fraud-azuma Video & Audio 10/15/18 8:59 PM EDT
Sean Hannity blames Democrats for violence committed by pro-Trump group, the Proud Boys Video & Audio 10/15/18 6:01 PM EDT
Fox host worries that investigating Saudi Arabia's role in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi could raise the price of oil Video & Audio 10/15/18 5:11 PM EDT
Ohio debate moderator asks Senate candidates about UN climate report. Only one of them answers. Video & Audio 10/15/18 5:08 PM EDT
Moderator’s question in Minnesota governor debate draws out candidates’ starkly different views on climate change Video & Audio 10/15/18 5:07 PM EDT
Sean Hannity attempts to link violent attack by far-right group Proud Boys to left-wing incitement Video & Audio 10/15/18 4:32 PM EDT
After Elizabeth Warren published DNA test results, right-wing media move the goal posts Article 10/15/18 3:09 PM EDT
Fox Business keeps casting doubt on Saudi Arabia’s involvement in Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance Article 10/15/18 3:03 PM EDT
Fox hosts treated Trump's 60 Minutes interview like they just watched a child ride a bike for the first time Article 10/15/18 2:32 PM EDT
Wash. Post columnist on Fox: Post-hurricane discussion of Trump's climate policies is “irresponsible” and “politicizing this tragedy” Video & Audio 10/15/18 12:59 PM EDT
Fox ramps up election strategy of convincing viewers that Democrats are coming to kill them Article 10/15/18 12:44 PM EDT
Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes: “I have a lot of support in the NYPD and I very much appreciate that” Video & Audio 10/15/18 11:52 AM EDT
Fox Business host attacks Elizabeth Warren for DNA test showing she has Native American heritage: She's “pretending that she is more Native American than she really is” Video & Audio 10/15/18 11:37 AM EDT