EPA reportedly helped Paris agreement opponents place op-eds in newspapers Article 06/01/17 12:06 PM EDT
Legal experts: Trump's tweets could compromise his ability to invoke executive privilege Video & Audio 06/01/17 11:10 AM EDT
Fox contributor Nigel Farage is reportedly a “person of interest” in the FBI's Russia investigation Video & Audio 06/01/17 10:12 AM EDT
“Mind control,” “shadow government,” and Seth Rich: Sean Hannity’s history of pushing conspiracy theories Research/Study 05/31/17 6:49 PM EDT
“Alt-right” troll files civil rights complaint after the Today show mocks him Article 05/31/17 5:17 PM EDT
Trump's exit from Paris agreement underscores the media’s catastrophic climate change failure during the campaign Article 05/31/17 5:06 PM EDT
Here are the oil and coal companies, Fortune 500 corporations, and Republicans who want to stay in the Paris agreement Article 05/31/17 2:01 PM EDT
Fox anchor claims Trump's incoherent late-night tweet is indicative of his “stamina” Video & Audio 05/31/17 12:19 PM EDT
How the Seth Rich conspiracy theory and Greg Gianforte’s assault reignited the conservative media’s civil war Article 05/31/17 10:59 AM EDT
Former Bush administration official: Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris agreement “would harm every American” and “devastate our international credibility” Video & Audio 05/31/17 10:23 AM EDT
Fox's Gregg Jarrett: “You can collude all you want with a foreign government in an election” Video & Audio 05/30/17 4:15 PM EDT
CNN host calls out Trump's hypocrisy over not trusting anonymous sources Video & Audio 05/30/17 2:05 PM EDT
MSNBC Live lays out business case for staying in the Paris climate agreement Video & Audio 05/30/17 1:47 PM EDT
Sweden is the gateway to the “alt-right” anti-immigrant agenda in Europe Article 05/30/17 8:03 AM EDT