Right-wing media push conspiracy theory that US is giving up national health policy sovereignty to World Health Organization Article 05/24/22 4:54 PM EDT
John Eastman’s latest legal filing reveals the “dual role” of Fox News hosts in service of the conservative legal movement Article 05/23/22 9:00 AM EDT
Fox News host Mark Levin promotes and endorses the white supremacist “replacement” theory Video & Audio 05/19/22 10:05 PM EDT
Fox News host Mark Levin says Rep. Rashida Tlaib has a “Nazi-like hate for the Jews” and wants a “final solution” in Israel Video & Audio 05/18/22 8:34 PM EDT
Fox News host Mark Levin embraces white supremacist “great replacement,” claims it “is indeed a policy of the Democrat Party” Video & Audio 05/17/22 8:05 PM EDT
Attacking abortion rights, migrant babies, and more — how right-wing media are exploiting baby formula crisis for GOP's culture war Article 05/17/22 9:47 AM EDT
Fox News is the Republican Party. Here are over 400 examples proving it. Research/Study 05/16/22 10:59 AM EDT
Fox News personalities have participated in more than 100 Republican events since 2017 Article 05/16/22 10:57 AM EDT
Fox News' Mark Levin attacks Laura Ingraham over her attacks on Dr. Oz Video & Audio 05/13/22 9:47 PM EDT
Right-wing media deny the possibility of contraception bans while red states consider legislation Article 05/10/22 4:20 PM EDT
Fox News’ Mark Levin and Sarah Palin suggest Dominion computers are being used as part of a “fraud and abuse” scheme in Alaska Video & Audio 05/04/22 10:32 PM EDT
Fox host Mark Levin connects the Supreme Court leak to critical race theory, praises opinion overturning Roe Video & Audio 05/03/22 10:12 AM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin accuses Disney Chairperson Bob Iger and Disney CEO Bob Chapek of wanting to teach children under 5 “what you do with your genitalia” Video & Audio 04/21/22 8:02 PM EDT
Broadcast news networks ignore texts between Mark Meadows and Republican lawmakers urging the Trump chief of staff to overturn 2020 election results Research/Study 04/19/22 1:44 PM EDT
Fox host Mark Levin suggests Disney and teachers are sexualizing “little babies” Video & Audio 04/18/22 12:30 PM EDT