Tucker Carlson lashes out at those accurately describing his commentary as “siding with Putin” over Ukraine Video & Audio 03/14/22 9:21 PM EDT
Fox’s Martha MacCallum dismisses Donald Trump’s attempt to exchange weapons to Ukraine for dirt on the Bidens Video & Audio 03/14/22 5:55 PM EDT
Report: Kremlin memo tells Russian media to feature Fox host Tucker Carlson Article 03/13/22 1:50 PM EDT
In a vile personal attack, a Fox guest claims that Greta Thunberg only talks about climate change “because she has autism” Video & Audio 03/11/22 6:57 PM EST
Fox News pushes “energy independence” 329 times in first two weeks of Russia’s war in Ukraine, shaping coverage of energy policy on cable news Article 03/11/22 5:01 PM EST
Right-wing media accuse Biden of sanctioning Russian oil to cover for rising gas prices Article 03/11/22 4:49 PM EST
Bill Barr is still talking out of both sides of his mouth on the Big Lie Article 03/11/22 11:44 AM EST
Tucker Carlson praises Alex Jones and his conspiracy theories about George Soros Video & Audio 03/10/22 6:00 PM EST
Flashback: Tucker Carlson downplayed alleged Russian spy Maria Butina’s “BS charge” Article 03/10/22 2:10 PM EST
Fox News blamed Biden for not banning Russian oil. Now they’re criticizing him for doing just that. Article 03/10/22 11:09 AM EST
Facebook is profiting from ads promoting Trump’s new social network, despite his suspension from the platform Article 03/10/22 9:49 AM EST
Fox News chyron: “Liberals are sexually grooming elementary students” Video & Audio 03/09/22 11:22 PM EST
Tucker Carlson accuses America of “mounting a disinformation campaign” against Russia Video & Audio 03/09/22 8:55 PM EST
Fox News' Greg Gutfeld calls on the world to show proper deference to Vladimir Putin and give him a “small victory” Video & Audio 03/09/22 5:56 PM EST
Defending Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, Fox’s Tucker Carlson says teachers who talk to kids about gender identity should “get beaten up” Article 03/09/22 1:37 PM EST
On Fox, Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry says criticizing the oil and gas industry is “unpatriotic" Video & Audio 03/09/22 12:27 PM EST