Undeterred by facts, Beck still pushing falsehood that Obama loaned $2 billion to Petrobras Video & Audio 06/21/10 5:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh: I'm not “defend[ing] British Petroleum,” just “stand[ing] up for principles and the American way” Video & Audio 06/21/10 12:43 PM EDT
Beck and crew mock reusable grocery bags, call for double-bagging and using “as much plastic as possible” Video & Audio 06/21/10 11:05 AM EDT
Will: “If you don't want to live in a northern hemisphere Venezuela, you ought to be a little quesy” about the escrow relief fund Video & Audio 06/20/10 11:06 AM EDT
National Review Online falsely claims Kagan “apparently tied” the NRA to the KKK Article 06/18/10 2:31 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Urbanski's reaction to BP escrow fund: “I think we would actually be better off with Tony Soprano” Video & Audio 06/18/10 2:09 PM EDT
NY Post uses irrelevant data to falsely suggest cap-and-trade bills hurt poor Article 06/18/10 2:03 PM EDT
Right-wing media agree: BP relief fund result of a White House “shakedown” Article 06/18/10 12:28 PM EDT
Beck: Lawmakers in BP hearing “will be held in front of an eternal judge” and “will be praying” for “the mercy of Guantánamo” Video & Audio 06/18/10 10:04 AM EDT
Beck's take on BP hearing: “Why don't we bring some Christians out and feed them to lions?” Video & Audio 06/18/10 10:00 AM EDT
Doocy claims the “great thing” about Nashville flood victims is “nobody's out there begging for a handout” Video & Audio 06/18/10 9:09 AM EDT
Geraldo: The escrow agreement “was an excellent deal” and opponents “just have to say no to anything that Obama does” Video & Audio 06/18/10 8:41 AM EDT
Hannity still blaming “the environmental movement” for Gulf oil leak Video & Audio 06/17/10 11:56 PM EDT