Still more Carlson on Obama: "[W]hy has Barack Obama suddenly turned into Oprah?" Article 07/13/07 4:19 PM EDT
After saying Obama seems like “kind of a wuss” Carlson called Obama “rhetoric” “kind of wimpy” Video & Audio 07/11/07 12:41 PM EDT
Media echoed, uncritically repeated Snow's equating of Libby commutation with Clinton pardons Article 07/09/07 6:09 PM EDT
NY Times article on Clinton's faith lacks sources for those who question her “sincerity” Article 07/08/07 2:00 PM EDT
Matthews claimed Coulter forces him to “go to confession” -- but he keeps inviting her on Article 06/27/07 9:25 PM EDT
Luntz -- PBS' pick to survey public response after Democratic forum -- was longtime Giuliani pollster Article 06/25/07 8:19 PM EDT
Luntz, predicting he'll get “hit by Media Matters,” claimed Clinton's voice “turns people off” Article 06/21/07 5:21 PM EDT
Matthews: “Do Americans want to return to the Hillary model of first lady, or do they like the Laura Bush model?” Article 06/17/07 5:45 PM EDT
In Tucker discussion, Weekly Standard's Ferguson on Clinton and liberal Protestants: "[T]hey believe in everything but God" Article 06/17/07 3:03 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson pushed false contrast between Clinton and Giuliani on desire to “reduce the number of abortions” Article 06/13/07 11:33 AM EDT
MSNBC's Tucker, Fox's Special Report misidentified Lieberman as a “Democrat” Article 06/12/07 5:05 PM EDT
Carlson, Limbaugh baselessly accused Obama of justifying and inciting riots Article 06/07/07 2:30 PM EDT