What men's rights activists and other “anti-feminist” men have in common with white supremacists Article 10/09/17 9:01 AM EDT
Fox News and CNN have not yet covered BuzzFeed report that Bannon gave editorial control of Breitbart to neo-Nazis Video & Audio 10/08/17 4:15 PM EDT
Facebook reportedly plans to work with The Weekly Standard, a serial misinformer, on fact-checking Article 10/07/17 3:26 PM EDT
Gillespie and Northam should be asked about abortion in the next Virginia gubernatorial debate Research/Study 10/06/17 3:32 PM EDT
How right-wing media are elevating conspiracy theories about the Las Vegas shooting Article 10/05/17 3:57 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham suggests photos of Las Vegas gunman’s room were staged and he was in too “poor health” to have acted alone Video & Audio 10/05/17 3:06 PM EDT
White House press secretary equates unflattering press accounts of Trump to fake news peddled by Russians Video & Audio 10/05/17 3:00 PM EDT
NRA board member Ted Nugent gives credence to Alex Jones’ Las Vegas mass shooting conspiracy theories Video & Audio 10/04/17 3:41 PM EDT
Trump calls report that he is considered a “fucking moron” “fake news” Video & Audio 10/04/17 3:40 PM EDT
Right-wing media promote Ed Gillespie’s anti-immigrant ad, which is based on conservative myths Article 10/04/17 12:01 PM EDT
After horrific casualties in Las Vegas, right-wing media say now is not the time to talk about gun violence Article 10/02/17 3:13 PM EDT
The right has a new 20-week abortion ban, and it's still built on junk science and right-wing lies. Research/Study 10/02/17 1:26 PM EDT
News outlets promote ISIS' evidence-free claim of connection to Las Vegas shooting Article 10/02/17 1:21 PM EDT
Sunday political talk shows completely ignored Trump White House officials' use of private email accounts Article 10/01/17 3:39 PM EDT
On CNN's Reliable Sources podcast, MMFA's Angelo Carusone breaks down Hannity and O'Reilly's budding collaboration Video & Audio 10/01/17 3:06 PM EDT
Fox guest calls out the media's poor Puerto Rico coverage: “There's not enough Latino voices at the networks” Video & Audio 10/01/17 2:15 PM EDT