Carlson: Spencer's reported plastic surgery comment “seems like a plant from Hillary Clinton” Article 10/24/06 1:01 PM EDT
Touting her new book, Amanda Carpenter claimed it is “alarming” that Hillary Clinton could use “foreign money” earned by her husband in 2008 presidential race Article 10/19/06 12:53 PM EDT
CNN's O'Brien labeled Kuo's book “political,” ignored previous, consistent disclosures by Kuo and his former boss Article 10/17/06 8:51 PM EDT
On MSNBC's Tucker, radio host Mark Williams declared that immigrants “engage in slavery and prostitution,” added: “As long as we have the ICBMs, they can learn English” Article 10/17/06 8:21 PM EDT
Blitzer repeatedly pressed Webb on remark from '79, after letting Allen off the hook on controversial '06 campaign remarks Article 10/06/06 9:22 PM EDT
On MSNBC's Tucker, radio host Mark Williams claimed “people have made up their mind” that voting Democratic “hastens the day we disappear in a nuclear holocaust” Video & Audio 09/28/06 11:03 AM EDT
Carlson blasted “wrong and creepy” liberal children's book because “kids ought to be immune from politics” but previously “hope[d]” a “clever” conservative children's book “sells” Article 09/22/06 3:29 PM EDT
CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and NBC touted USA Today/Gallup poll with Bush approval rating at 44 percent, ignored earlier Pew poll placing his approval at 37 percent Article 09/20/06 9:26 PM EDT
Carlson failed to challenge Friedman's false claim that Katrina evacuees were responsible for “20 percent” of homicides in Houston last year Article 09/20/06 10:59 AM EDT
Carlson labeled George Allen's “Macaca” target "[t]hat whiny little kid" Video & Audio 09/19/06 1:04 PM EDT
On MSNBC's Tucker, radio host Campbell said, “Robertson may have actually been on to something when he suggested possibly assassinating Hugo Chavez” Article 09/18/06 5:22 PM EDT
O'Reilly ignored government officials who disputed effectiveness of Zubaydah's harsh interrogation Article 09/15/06 8:56 PM EDT
On Tucker, radio host Mark Williams said of “left-wing lesbian”: “Got it all going for her, doesn't she?” Video & Audio 09/13/06 7:02 PM EDT
Carlson claimed Gore's supporters “would be terrified” if Gore ran for president; baselessly claimed “nobody” wants Gore to run Article 09/13/06 11:29 AM EDT
BBC's Kay declared “turgid” analysis of Giuliani's alleged management failures won't tarnish hero image; Matthews stated, “The press loves McCain. We're his base” Video & Audio 09/11/06 3:08 PM EDT