Hannity continues to push discredited “Obama's Katrina” talking point on Gulf oil spill Video & Audio 05/07/10 9:12 PM EDT
Beck: “You deserve to be rounded up and put behind barbed wire ... if you accept” the microchip in your recycling bin Video & Audio 05/07/10 9:50 AM EDT
Klein's Obama attack book hurls kitchen sink of falsehoods, conspiracy theories, birtherism Article 05/07/10 8:55 AM EDT
Fox runs with right-wing group's absurd “estimate” that “2,158 killed by illegals every year” Article 05/06/10 2:09 PM EDT
Beck distorts Rogers' comments to suggest he wants to bring “the economy to a complete halt” Article 05/05/10 10:19 PM EDT
Even Dick Morris thinks Brown's conspiracy theory that Obama wanted oil spill to get worse is “nonsense” Video & Audio 05/05/10 9:45 PM EDT
Beck distorts Obama's comments to claim Obama “wants to raise your energy prices” Video & Audio 05/05/10 6:45 PM EDT
Beck smears Alliance for Climate Protection in latest version of his “Crime, Inc.” conspiracy theory Video & Audio 05/05/10 5:47 PM EDT
Beck suggests bribes will be necessary to conduct business under cap-and-trade legislation Video & Audio 05/05/10 5:45 PM EDT
“Los Suns = LOSERS”: Conservative media attack Phoenix Suns over AZ law protest Article 05/05/10 3:35 PM EDT
Fox's thoughts on Gibbs' tough stance toward BP: Weak on terror! Anti-business! Katrina! Article 05/05/10 1:00 PM EDT
Update: VoteVets official asks why Fox News would reject an ad “that calls on Congress to defund our enemies” Article 05/05/10 11:56 AM EDT
Special Report's All Star Panel agrees that Obama administration responded appropriately to oil spill Video & Audio 05/04/10 11:32 PM EDT