Carlson criticized defenders of 2003 Reagan movie for decrying “censorship” but now uses same term to attack critics of ABC film Article 09/07/06 8:50 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson on Sen. Burns's comment that terrorists “drive taxicabs in the daytime and kill at night”: “I think it's funny. He didn't offend me” Video & Audio 09/05/06 4:13 PM EDT
What would it take for the media to boot McCain off the “Straight Talk Express”? Article 09/01/06 11:54 AM EDT
Media figures repeat false claim that Armitage role in Plame leak exonerates Libby and Rove Article 08/31/06 9:39 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson on Fox's Your World guest list: “Our civilization -- is it collapsing? Has it already collapsed?” Article 08/31/06 4:03 PM EDT
Carlson falsely claimed Bush administration “hasn't been blaming mayors and governors” for poor Katrina response Article 08/31/06 2:24 PM EDT
On Good Morning America, Laura Bush dismissed Bush Katrina critics; Roberts did not challenge Article 08/29/06 7:18 PM EDT
Noting that Beck was “making fun of blind people,” Carlson handed Beck “award” for “maybe the most outrageous thing said recently on TV” Video & Audio 08/29/06 11:37 AM EDT
NBC still hosting Buchanan on immigration; Malkin told O'Reilly that reconquista is “mainstream” among immigrants Article 08/24/06 7:01 PM EDT
Media figures touted McCain's recent “straight talk” on Iraq, ignored his repeated inconsistency Article 08/24/06 5:17 PM EDT
Beck, Carlson noted that apocalyptic August 22 predictions were wrong; Beck still foresees a “world war of biblical proportions” Article 08/23/06 6:54 PM EDT
Carlson: Sen. Clinton “just bulldozes everybody” in presidential run because there are “so few men” and “so many wussies at the helm” of Democratic Party Video & Audio 08/23/06 2:26 PM EDT
On MSNBC's Tucker, radio host Michael Graham called Sen. Hillary Clinton “a b -- a witch” Video & Audio 08/22/06 1:19 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson called Gore a “religious zealot,” after previously labeling him a “wild-eyed religious nut” Video & Audio 08/10/06 6:04 PM EDT
Matthews depicted as inherently unprincipled those who support the Iraq war but believe administration botched it Video & Audio 08/08/06 7:25 PM EDT
On MSNBC's Tucker, Carlson falsely claimed "[t]here's no consensus" on “why” the “world is getting warmer” Article 08/08/06 3:29 PM EDT