MSNBC's Carlson and Olbermann both blasted O'Reilly's rape comments, highlighted by Media Matters Video & Audio 08/08/06 12:46 PM EDT
Media figures continue to present Sen. Clinton's rebuke of Rumsfeld as “pure politics” Article 08/07/06 4:51 PM EDT
Hannity: Despite both believing in global warming threat, “Al Gore is unhinged,” but Pat Robertson is “sane” Video & Audio 08/04/06 7:40 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson, Olbermann analyzed O'Reilly's Mel Gibson media criticism Video & Audio 08/04/06 5:59 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson on CNN's Apocalypse fixation: “Only at CNN could people have such contempt for the intelligence of so-called conservative Christians” Video & Audio 08/02/06 12:14 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson on O'Reilly's desire to "[l]evel" Fallujah, subsequent claim that “macho solutions are no solutions”: “This is what happens when cable news does foreign policy” Video & Audio 08/01/06 1:53 PM EDT
Interviewed yet again on MSNBC/NBC, Coulter attacked 9-11 widows for purported acts of “cruel[ty]” Article 07/14/06 8:19 PM EDT
Carlson baselessly criticized caller for suggesting world opinion of U.S. has worsened under Bush Article 07/14/06 5:50 PM EDT
Again calling for law enforcement to “go out to the Muslim communities,” Dietl falsely claimed all 9-11 hijackers “were in this country illegally” Article 07/14/06 12:14 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Not “a shred of evidence” that Plame leak “compromised our national security” Article 07/13/06 5:57 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Bush's truth-telling “is exactly what's needed around the world” Article 07/13/06 9:18 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson falsely suggested Puerto Ricans living in Texas are immigrants to U.S. Article 07/12/06 3:43 PM EDT
Will the media outlets who host Coulter ask about recent charges of plagiarism? Article 07/06/06 12:51 PM EDT
Olbermann: "[U]nelected" Republicans “rushed to echo” Coulter's smears of 9-11 widows Video & Audio 06/12/06 1:45 PM EDT
Coulter continued attacks on liberals, families of 9-11 victims: "[D]o I have to kill my mother so I can be a victim, too?" Article 06/07/06 10:10 PM EDT
Marriage mania: Since New York Times ran article on the Clintons' marriage, Matthews has asked at least 90 questions on the subject Article 06/02/06 7:24 PM EDT