Beck: Oil spill not Obama's Katrina -- “real issue” is “what are they going to use this for” Video & Audio 05/03/10 10:29 AM EDT
Beck: Obama admin. “lying” about response to oil spill but they didn't need to be there immediately Video & Audio 05/03/10 10:25 AM EDT
Bolling conspiracy theory: Obama admin. could have “let” oil rig “leak” before “address[ing] it” Video & Audio 05/03/10 9:04 AM EDT
Perino on Gulf oil spill: Continue offshore drilling, “look how much is down there” Video & Audio 05/03/10 7:39 AM EDT
Perino's “not trying to introduce a conspiracy theory,” but wonders whether the rig explosion was “sabotage” Video & Audio 05/03/10 7:28 AM EDT
Hume: Oil spill in the Gulf “verifies” environmentalists' argument about offshore drilling -- not if, but when Video & Audio 05/02/10 5:11 PM EDT
Wallace: “You know some critics are saying this could be Obama's Katrina” Video & Audio 05/02/10 9:42 AM EDT
Huckabee: “If Katrina was George Bush's responsibility, this is Barack Obama's responsibility” Video & Audio 04/30/10 10:14 PM EDT
Fox's Bolling on Gulf oil spill disaster: “Drill here, drill now ... drill, baby, drill” Video & Audio 04/30/10 10:00 PM EDT
Hannity complains oil spill is being politicized, then politicizes oil spill Video & Audio 04/30/10 9:50 PM EDT
Hannity, oil cleanup expert, tells us “there's a lot we could have done to contain this” Video & Audio 04/30/10 9:43 PM EDT
Hannity falsely claims Obama administration “sat back for 9 days and they did absolutely nothing” about oil spill Video & Audio 04/30/10 9:41 PM EDT
Hannity suggests media cut Obama slack on response to oil spill but were too harsh against Bush after 9-11, Katrina Video & Audio 04/30/10 9:40 PM EDT
Steve Hayes: “I definitely think it's a bit much to compare this [oil spill] to Katrina” Video & Audio 04/30/10 7:17 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed Obama waited eight days to deal with Gulf oil spill Article 04/30/10 5:23 PM EDT