Will Kurtz, others cover bombshell Nation story on “The Lobbying-Media Complex”? Article 02/12/10 5:51 PM EST
Limbaugh: The “crap and tax bill” is “a scam being run by Obama to tax businesses even more for breathing” Video & Audio 02/12/10 4:43 PM EST
Limbaugh: Global warming advocates have “done more damage than even Bill Ayers wanted to” Video & Audio 02/12/10 1:56 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Global warming hoax” is “political, criminal corruption” Video & Audio 02/12/10 1:25 PM EST
Attacking Bill Nye, Beck falsely claims “nobody's saying” that snow in DC disproves climate change Video & Audio 02/12/10 10:52 AM EST
Say it ain't snow: Media suggest snowstorms cast doubt on global warming Article 02/11/10 4:55 PM EST
Limbaugh Resurrects CRA Falsehoods, Claims Affordable Housing “Was Designed To Wreck The Whole System” Article 02/11/10 4:38 PM EST
Gateway Pundit offering up to $10K for people who can get anti-science signs on TV Article 02/11/10 10:28 AM EST