Fox & Friends falsely claims “the vaccines aren’t working,” lies about Biden administration’s orders of Pfizer antiviral drugs Article 01/19/22 11:12 AM EST
Invoking Tucker Carlson, militia-linked radio host calls for “100 million people to take up arms to defend our nation” Article 01/18/22 4:44 PM EST
Right-wing media react with lies and racist attacks after NYC enfranchises 800,000 noncitizens Article 01/18/22 2:59 PM EST
The Murdochs and Fox must answer: Why hasn't the network fired Lara Logan? Article 01/18/22 12:44 PM EST
Fox News and key right-wing allies grasp for response to Oath Keepers sedition indictment Article 01/16/22 9:20 AM EST
Tucker Carlson praises alleged Oath Keeper charged with sedition as “a thoroughly loyal American” Video & Audio 01/14/22 8:28 PM EST
Fox News guest: “Female narcissists are getting a pass to enact bad behavior in public that men would not get away with” Video & Audio 01/14/22 8:18 PM EST
Right-wing media lie that COVID-19 treatment guidelines discriminate against white people Article 01/14/22 5:18 PM EST
Fox News spins a report about arrest of Oath Keepers leader and 10 others for January 6 riot into an attack on antifa Video & Audio 01/14/22 12:18 PM EST
Fox & Friends guest: Microsoft Word's inclusive language options are a “mechanism of mind control” Video & Audio 01/14/22 12:12 PM EST
Fox News’ latest vaccine lie: The COVID vaccine makes you more likely to contract COVID Research/Study 01/14/22 10:42 AM EST
Tucker Carlson repeatedly hosted an Oath Keeper charged with seditious conspiracy Article 01/14/22 10:40 AM EST
Fox News’ Mark Levin downplays January 6 sedition charges: “It’s still not an insurrection” Video & Audio 01/13/22 8:11 PM EST
Fox News’ Jonathan Turley says January 6 sedition charges “sort of clear Trump” Video & Audio 01/13/22 7:02 PM EST
Fox “straight news” show attacks voting rights bill by calling vaccine requirements “segregation” Article 01/13/22 2:43 PM EST
Fox News leads hate campaign against trans college swimmer Lia Thomas, airing 32 segments about her in just 6 weeks Article 01/13/22 2:40 PM EST
Conservative media attack constitutional argument over insurrection, whining about idea of holding GOP incumbents accountable Article 01/13/22 1:34 PM EST