Fox’s “straight news” side repeatedly lies about Justice Department’s response to threats against school boards Article 10/08/21 10:37 AM EDT
On The Joe Madison Show, Angelo Carusone explains how all Fox hosts are downplaying COVID-19 Video & Audio 10/08/21 10:36 AM EDT
CNN’s Brianna Keilar rips mainstream media “puff piece[s]” on Fox News’ 25th anniversary Video & Audio 10/08/21 9:32 AM EDT
Fox News’ Laura Ingraham attacks vaccine mandates: “If they really wanted a return to normal, they would drop the mandates” Video & Audio 10/07/21 10:36 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson offers effusive praise to his corporate bosses for not firing him amid uproar following his numerous controversies and dangerous commentary Video & Audio 10/07/21 9:40 PM EDT
Jimmy Kimmel highlights Media Matters study showing Fox News undermined vaccines nearly daily in the last six months Video & Audio 10/07/21 10:04 AM EDT
Chris Hayes to Tucker Carlson: “You have got to have the guts to call out Fox News or resign in protest” over Fox’s vaccine mandate Video & Audio 10/06/21 9:51 PM EDT
Sean Hannity promotes political ad depicting immigrants as “COVID-infected illegals spreading the virus, killing our people, a petri dish of disease” Video & Audio 10/06/21 9:51 PM EDT
Fox News' Gutfeld compares people who confront Kyrsten Sinema to Ashli Babbitt Video & Audio 10/06/21 5:45 PM EDT
CNN highlights Fox News’ almost daily anti-vaccine campaign amid quietly implementing its own vaccine and testing requirements Video & Audio 10/06/21 4:44 PM EDT
Fox guest urges viewers to continue protesting local school boards: “Do not stop, double down” Video & Audio 10/06/21 4:30 PM EDT
The Facebook whistleblower just confirmed everything we've been reporting on for months Research/Study 10/06/21 1:36 PM EDT
Media Matters' Andrew Lawrence talks to SiriusXM's John Fugelsang about Fox News' bogus COVID-19 cures and vaccine misinformation Video & Audio 10/06/21 11:38 AM EDT