In 2021, social media platforms enabled the deadly spread of COVID-19 lies and anti-vaccine misinformation Article 12/30/21 9:15 AM EST
Tucker Carlson's Fox News show undermined vaccines 99% of the days it covered them since Biden became president Research/Study 12/29/21 11:34 AM EST
Misinformer of the Year: Steve Bannon’s “flood the zone with shit” approach is destroying American democracy Article 12/28/21 10:37 AM EST
By the numbers: A year of conservative media fearmongering over “critical race theory” Article 12/28/21 9:12 AM EST
In 2021, right-wing media scapegoated unions for supposed school indoctrination, COVID-19 restrictions, and global supply chain shortages Article 12/27/21 9:06 AM EST
Fox News spent 2021 mainstreaming the white supremacist “great replacement” theory Article 12/27/21 9:05 AM EST
A dozen times right-wing media said something ridiculous about climate change in 2021 Article 12/23/21 10:25 AM EST
Fox News employs its own familiar anti-vaccine tactics to attack COVID booster shots Narrative/Timeline 12/22/21 9:38 AM EST
“Kill shot,” “deadly,” “ambush”: Fox host Jesse Watters tells audience to go after Dr. Anthony Fauci Article 12/21/21 12:28 PM EST
Fox News attacks NIH chief Francis Collins for urging debunk of COVID-19 misinformation Video & Audio 12/20/21 11:11 PM EST
Conservative media spread false claims and fearmonger about medicated abortion after FDA approved mailing the drug Article 12/20/21 3:49 PM EST
TikTok and negligent reporting created mass panic about an unfounded national school shooting day hoax Article 12/20/21 2:08 PM EST
Media Matters’ Angelo Carusone: “Because there is a consensus forming around the destructive power of Fox News, it incentivizes the call to action, which is to go to cable companies and say, ‘Do not make me pay more money for Fox News.’” Video & Audio 12/19/21 2:06 PM EST
On WNYC's On The Media, Media Matters’ Angelo Carusone explains how Fox’s COVID-19 misinformation “changed the relationship” with the rest of news media Video & Audio 12/19/21 1:49 PM EST
Fox guest: “We need a military full of Type A men who want to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls” Video & Audio 12/19/21 12:48 PM EST
Fox host: “Maybe we could afford to give glasses to senior citizens if we weren't raping the economy with these arbitrary climate mandates” Video & Audio 12/19/21 12:27 PM EST
Fox host claims vaccine boosters could prevent people from getting “a more effective kind of vaccination, nature's vaccination” Video & Audio 12/19/21 12:21 PM EST