Anti-mask Facebook groups are rife with dangerous misinformation about the spread and prevention of coronavirus Article 07/09/20 5:07 PM EDT
The most notorious anti-vax groups use Facebook to lay the groundwork against the novel coronavirus vaccine Article 07/09/20 10:01 AM EDT
YouTube videos falsely claiming that masks are harmful have gotten hundreds of thousands of views Article 07/07/20 1:02 PM EDT
Fox is doing all it can to deny the coronavirus pandemic is getting worse Article 07/02/20 3:38 PM EDT
National talk radio hosts reject calls for masks, echoed by local hosts in at least one coronavirus hot spot Article 07/02/20 3:04 PM EDT
J.K. Rowling's anti-trans tweets become ammo for right-wing media attacks on trans people Article 06/10/20 2:21 PM EDT
Right-wing media claim Black Lives Matter advocates against the family through a “Marxist and LGBT agenda” Article 06/09/20 4:19 PM EDT
Three years of corporate broadcast news hurricane coverage failed to mention specific risks to marginalized communities Research/Study 06/01/20 10:46 AM EDT
“Get ready for the vaccine infowar”: Alex Jones poisons the well against a future novel coronavirus vaccine Article 05/26/20 9:16 AM EDT
What's behind the rise of “COVID contrarian” Alex Berenson in right-wing media? Article 05/21/20 11:15 AM EDT
Here are seven times that Fox News promoted taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent contracting COVID-19 Research/Study 05/18/20 7:57 PM EDT
Kentucky news broadcasts largely left out public health concerns about coronavirus and children while reporting on a story about reopening schools Article 05/14/20 5:23 PM EDT
Fox’s Bret Baier and Dana Perino completely ignore states reopening against the White House’s own guidelines Article 05/12/20 5:42 PM EDT