Hemmer falsely claims CRU emails show scientists hiding “evidence of a decline in global temperatures” Video & Audio 12/03/09 9:27 AM EST
Kilmeade freaks out over “damning” emails by scientists who “think... Antarctica is becoming like the Bahamas” Video & Audio 12/03/09 8:23 AM EST
Tucker Carlson: "[S]eems more likely a whistleblower" leaked CRU emails; “Cap and trade is over” Video & Audio 12/03/09 7:05 AM EST
Newsweek's Fineman defends “balance” of panel that included oil industry, excluded enviro groups Article 12/02/09 3:28 PM EST
Fox & Friends CRU email segment: Climate change denial? Check. Email falsehoods? Check. Outrage? Check. Video & Audio 12/02/09 8:13 AM EST
Quick Fact: Hannity again wrong on 2009 temps in attack on global warming Article 12/01/09 6:16 PM EST
Hannity claims 2009 is “the 9th coldest year on record” -- actually, it's one of the warmest Video & Audio 12/01/09 5:44 PM EST
Fox's John Lott probably not the best person to complain about “climate-gate” and distorting research Article 12/01/09 4:28 PM EST
Dobbs joins other right-wing media in pushing “Climategate,” claims scientists “dumped,” “distorted” global warming data Video & Audio 12/01/09 4:18 PM EST
Conservative media hype misleading report suggesting CRU destroyed raw climate data Article 12/01/09 2:28 PM EST
Beck on CRU emails: “This is what happened in the Dark Ages. ... It leads to the tower of Galileo” Video & Audio 12/01/09 1:18 PM EST
Noted climate scientist Ingraham says emails indicate “shocking scientific fraud,” global warming a “lie” Video & Audio 12/01/09 8:29 AM EST