Hour 1: Rush declares Murphy's narrow lead over Tedisco in NY-20 a "slam-dunk loss for the Democrats Article 04/01/09 1:36 PM EDT
Fox News' Varney: Obama administration will “coerce or force us all into buying the small cars that it insists Detroit puts out” Video & Audio 03/31/09 4:08 PM EDT
Hour 3: Rush claims new Markey/Waxman climate change legislation will “finish this country off” Article 03/31/09 3:26 PM EDT
Hour 2: Rush laments Hummers being “tarred, feathered, and destroyed by the Obama administration and the American left” Article 03/31/09 2:34 PM EDT
Hannity uses NY Times mag piece to highlight global warming skeptic Dyson Video & Audio 03/30/09 10:27 PM EDT
Beck blasts studio lights “to show that I am such a supporter of Earth Hour” Video & Audio 03/30/09 6:54 PM EDT
Media promote claims of global cooling despite overwhelming consensus to the contrary Article 03/30/09 6:09 PM EDT
Media Matters: Pay no attention to the GOP “power grab” behind the curtain Article 03/27/09 8:24 PM EDT
WSJ's Fund claims Obama administration wants “to micromanage the car industry towards the social engineering goals that they want” Video & Audio 03/27/09 4:28 PM EDT
Hour 3: Rush on Obama: “He's a cult leader. Battered liberal syndrome. Cheat on me, just don't tell me.” Article 03/27/09 2:34 PM EDT
Kudlow claims global warming “is now being disputed for global cooling” Video & Audio 03/26/09 8:52 PM EDT
NY Times mag sends a sports and music writer to do a science writer's job Article 03/26/09 8:03 PM EDT
NY Times mag profile of global warming skeptic uncritically repeats false comparison with '70s global cooling theory Article 03/26/09 7:35 PM EDT
Discussing upcoming “Earth hour,” Limbaugh calls Obama “an extremist tyrannical president” Video & Audio 03/26/09 2:39 PM EDT
Hour 2: Rush laments about “emotional chaos” in the country under “an extremist, tyrannical president” Article 03/26/09 1:44 PM EDT
NY Times falsely claimed that Obama “campaigned as an antiwar candidate” Article 03/23/09 2:06 PM EDT