NY Times mag profile of global warming skeptic uncritically repeats false comparison with '70s global cooling theory Article 03/26/09 7:35 PM EDT
Discussing upcoming “Earth hour,” Limbaugh calls Obama “an extremist tyrannical president” Video & Audio 03/26/09 2:39 PM EDT
Hour 2: Rush laments about “emotional chaos” in the country under “an extremist, tyrannical president” Article 03/26/09 1:44 PM EDT
NY Times falsely claimed that Obama “campaigned as an antiwar candidate” Article 03/23/09 2:06 PM EDT
Fox's Hemmer did not challenge Inhofe's assertion that Obama cap-and-trade proposal is “the most regressive tax that you can have” Article 03/19/09 12:13 PM EDT
Limbaugh finds it “hilarious” that “three dingbats ... are about to die” looking for proof of global warming Video & Audio 03/18/09 2:39 PM EDT
Both Krauthammer and Thomas invoke Nazis while discussing Obama's stem cell order Article 03/13/09 9:14 AM EDT
Discussing global warming, Imus producer McGuirk says, “These tree-huggers, they're basically America haters” Video & Audio 03/12/09 10:14 PM EDT
Cavuto did not ID Lott as energy company lobbyist, even as Lott touted specific issues for which he lobbies Article 03/12/09 11:04 AM EDT
Beck asks “Dear American People... do you think maybe we could avoid the harvesting babies for their organs or stem cells or cloned bodies?” Video & Audio 03/11/09 12:46 PM EDT
Savage claims that embryonic stem cell research requires “whole factories of fetuses aborted” because "[w]e need entire busloads of fetuses for the mad scientists to play with" Video & Audio 03/10/09 11:31 AM EDT