Rush: "[T]here is no equality" because "[s]ome people are just born to be slaves," while others are “self-starters” Video & Audio 10/08/10 2:56 PM EDT
Rush repeats falsehood that no one in the Obama admin. has private sector experience Video & Audio 10/08/10 1:53 PM EDT
Rush: “I don't care how far the feminazis advance, you're still not supposed to hit the girl” Video & Audio 10/08/10 1:46 PM EDT
Rush absurdly claims “I don't know of any Republican attacks” on Obama Video & Audio 10/08/10 1:32 PM EDT
Napolitano pushes falsehood that “government caused the housing crisis with Fannie [and] Freddie” Video & Audio 10/07/10 5:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh repeats falsehood that Obama admin. waited 50 days to act on BP oil leak because it “wanted the tragedy” Video & Audio 10/07/10 5:20 PM EDT
Rush adds to MSNBC's new slogan: “Lean Forward (This Won't Hurt a Bit)”; says it's "[n]o different than bending over" Video & Audio 10/07/10 4:01 PM EDT
Rush hopes Michelle Obama doesn't hug “Skinny Dicky” Blumenthal at rally, because "[h]e might not escape the hold" Video & Audio 10/07/10 3:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Obama is a “professional agitator,” “professional revolutionary,” and “wants to rule the world” Video & Audio 10/07/10 2:35 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “of course [Pelosi's] on crack” because she accurately stated stimulative effect of food stamps Video & Audio 10/07/10 2:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Think of health care reform waivers as “pardons” that allow companies to “break the law” Video & Audio 10/07/10 2:10 PM EDT
Rush: A “certain percentage of this country is ready to rebel” and “that's, I'm sure, part of why [Obama] feels happy” Video & Audio 10/07/10 1:39 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “gleeful” Obama is “going to do as much destruction, damage as he can while blaming Republicans for it” Video & Audio 10/07/10 1:06 PM EDT
Palin: Obama's plan to create jobs is solely “doing those things that ... a socialized government would do” Video & Audio 10/06/10 10:33 PM EDT
Like clockwork: Conservatives return to baseless voter fraud allegations Article 10/06/10 9:25 PM EDT
Rush explains how it's possible for those making $250K to “struggle”: “the expenses are going to match the income level” Video & Audio 10/06/10 4:27 PM EDT