Limbaugh sexism: “It's so ridiculous anybody would believe” O'Donnell's “a witch ... when we have one running the House” Video & Audio 10/05/10 1:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh pushes debunked smear that Wellstone memorial was an “anti-American rally” Video & Audio 10/05/10 12:47 PM EDT
Cavuto: If Dems criticize Pelosi and get re-elected, will it be “Nice Nancy or Cruella De Vil Nancy?” Video & Audio 10/04/10 10:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh asks, “Why is nobody accusing” Obama admin. of using terror alerts “for political gain”? Video & Audio 10/04/10 4:20 PM EDT
Rush: “Obama is going to act just like Hugo Chavez,” because he will “radicalize” after midterm losses Video & Audio 10/04/10 4:09 PM EDT
Rush still wrongly blaming CRA for housing crisis, claims Janet Reno “threaten[ed]” banks that didn't make risky loans Video & Audio 10/04/10 3:33 PM EDT
Rush: “I have done more to reach across the aisle and to bring people together” than Obama, “and he's not even trying to” Video & Audio 10/04/10 3:15 PM EDT
Rush: Liberals were “the great segregationists” in '40s, '50s, and '60s, and “they remain segregationists to this day” Video & Audio 10/04/10 2:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Am I a racist because I do not support” Obama, “or are 91 percent of blacks racists because they do?” Video & Audio 10/04/10 2:27 PM EDT
Limbaugh says attacks on Palin make him want to “reach out and choke people into reality” Video & Audio 10/01/10 2:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh: If Osama bin Laden shaved and changed headwear “he could run as a Democrat ... and get elected” Video & Audio 10/01/10 1:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Some may think we're in “a civil war”; Dems “want to secede from what this country was founded to be” Video & Audio 10/01/10 12:47 PM EDT