Limbaugh: “Obama's philosophy would have been considered tyranny,” “would have been rejected” by the Founding Fathers Video & Audio 09/07/10 2:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “might not have been born in Kenya, but he certainly is one of the best Keynesian economist believers” Video & Audio 09/07/10 2:27 PM EDT
Rush launches into rant about “hen-pecked,” “imam-child,” “wrecking ball,” “agitator,” “blithering novice” Obama Video & Audio 09/07/10 2:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh attacks Obama: He's “an angry guy” with a “chip on his shoulder” who “does not understand American history” Video & Audio 09/07/10 1:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Discovery Channel gunman is “not a wacko,” it's “mainstream environmentalist belief” and “inspired by Al Gore” Video & Audio 09/07/10 1:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims that proposed infrastructure spending is “just another union buyout, just another slush fund” Video & Audio 09/07/10 12:39 PM EDT
Plouffe: Limbaugh, Beck, Palin are “the leaders” of the Republican Party “and this is a problem for” the GOP Video & Audio 09/05/10 11:14 AM EDT
Rush Sub Mark Davis: Under “These People” And “This Regime,” It “Doesn't Feel As Much Like America Anymore” Article 09/03/10 6:29 PM EDT
Rush sub Davis: Under “these people” and “this regime,” it “doesn't feel as much like America anymore” Video & Audio 09/03/10 3:04 PM EDT
Limbaugh sub Davis says he would use a “time tunnel” to go back to the Depression and stop the New Deal Video & Audio 09/03/10 2:19 PM EDT
Mark Davis -- sitting in for Rush -- prefers Nero analogies to the “Hitler analogies that will sometimes arise” Video & Audio 09/03/10 2:11 PM EDT
Fox disappears right-wing media's role in forming public's misconceptions about Obama Article 09/03/10 10:47 AM EDT
Rush sub Steyn says the Discovery Channel is “the propaganda arm of the environmental movement” Video & Audio 09/02/10 4:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh fill-in Steyn: “Environmentalism is fundamentally anti-human” Video & Audio 09/02/10 3:56 PM EDT
Burn! Limbaugh sub Mark Steyn claims it's “rubbish” that Imam Rauf is “a moderate” Video & Audio 09/02/10 3:16 PM EDT