Rush sub Urbanski: "[S]ome" say Obama's “57 states” comment referred to the Organization of the Islamic Conference Video & Audio 08/27/10 1:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh sub Urbanski wants “some enterprising reporter” to ask Obama “in what language” he talks to Saudi King Video & Audio 08/27/10 1:33 PM EDT
Limbaugh sub Urbanski: “Would it be inflammatory to call the mosque a 'murder mosque' if it's there on Ground Zero?” Video & Audio 08/27/10 12:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh sub Urbanski says Obama “seems apparently to thrive on provocation, on division” Video & Audio 08/27/10 12:47 PM EDT
Rush on “arrogan[t]” Obama: He's like “some” African-Americans who say “Fourth of July ain't no big deal to me, yo” Video & Audio 08/26/10 5:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh defends his “artful” “media tweak” -- “How can America be Islamophobic? We elected Obama, didn't we?” Video & Audio 08/26/10 1:34 PM EDT
Nothing to see here: Right-wing media dismiss notion of nationwide “Islamophobia” Article 08/26/10 12:02 PM EDT
Doocy and Varney continue to ignore facts and claim the stimulus “didn't work” Video & Audio 08/26/10 7:02 AM EDT
Limbaugh Asks, “How Can America Be Islamophobic? We Elected Obama, Didn't We?” Article 08/25/10 5:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh advances myth that Thomas Jefferson “ended up going to war with the Muslims” Video & Audio 08/25/10 2:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Republicans are “trying to save” “our society” by opposing Islamic community center Video & Audio 08/25/10 1:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh asks: “How can America be Islamophobic? We elected Obama, didn't we?” Video & Audio 08/25/10 1:52 PM EDT
Rush compares right-wing campaign against Islamic community center to Cold War: “We're now fighting the mosqueovites” Video & Audio 08/25/10 12:33 PM EDT
Beck attacks Obama's religious influences, asks: “But America is expected to be solidly convinced he's a Christian?” Video & Audio 08/24/10 5:58 PM EDT
Rush sub Williams ties death toll in Haiti earthquake to private property rights Video & Audio 08/24/10 3:28 PM EDT