Juan Williams: There's a “malevolent effort” by the right-wing to define Obama as “an other” and a Manchurian candidate Video & Audio 08/22/10 10:14 AM EDT
Rush: “We've got a hell of a lot more problems with Barack Obama than whatever his religion is. I mean, he's confusing” Video & Audio 08/20/10 4:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Depending on how you define the term 'smart,' [Obama] could be stupid” Video & Audio 08/20/10 3:20 PM EDT
Coulter and Beck aren't anti-gay enough for fringe American Family Association Article 08/20/10 1:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls WH statement on Obama's faith “evasive,” says it “doesn't relate to the question of Obama's Christianity” Video & Audio 08/20/10 1:37 PM EDT
Limbaugh denies he ever said Obama is a Muslim while wondering “what's obvious” about his Christianity Video & Audio 08/20/10 12:55 PM EDT
Conservative blogosphere target Blagojevich juror for unfounded attacks and race baiting Article 08/19/10 11:28 PM EDT
Halperin: “Rush Limbaugh,” et. al., are “playing a dangerous game” in “spreading disinformation” that Obama is a Muslim Video & Audio 08/19/10 7:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “There might be reasons why some people think” Obama is a Muslim Video & Audio 08/19/10 3:49 PM EDT
Rush: Since Clinton was called first black president, “why can't we call Imam Obama America's first Muslim president?” Video & Audio 08/19/10 3:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh's false denial: “No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama. I've never thrown 'Hussein' in there” Video & Audio 08/19/10 1:37 PM EDT