The right-wing race-baiting revue: Schlessinger's rant is just the latest act Article 08/13/10 8:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “If a terrorist had done to the oil industry in the Gulf what Obama” did, even Holder would indict him Article 08/13/10 4:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “It's the Democrats that try to keep black people out of political powerful positions, it ain't us” Video & Audio 08/13/10 2:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “If a terrorist had done to the oil industry in the Gulf what Obama” did, even Holder would indict him Video & Audio 08/13/10 2:14 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “There was no reason for a panic” in the Gulf, but “a crisis is too great a thing to waste” Video & Audio 08/13/10 2:00 PM EDT
Conservative media falsely warn of “racial quotas” in financial reform law Article 08/13/10 1:52 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Even well-paid person faces foreclosure “in Barack Hoover Obama's America” Video & Audio 08/13/10 1:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh and Land mangle Constitution to defend discrimination against Muslims Article 08/13/10 10:50 AM EDT
Limbaugh: Non-Profit Workers “Are Rapists, In Terms Of Finance And Economy” Article 08/12/10 4:43 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “the top colleges are the functional equivalent of leadership schools from totalitarian nations” Video & Audio 08/12/10 3:14 PM EDT
Falsely claiming Obama “took over” student loans, Limbaugh suggests only Democrats' loans will be forgiven Video & Audio 08/12/10 2:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims Obama thinks all non-union workers “need to be chopped down a bit,” “gotten even with” Video & Audio 08/12/10 1:53 PM EDT
Limbaugh says non-profit organization employees are “lazy idiots” and “rapists in terms of finance and economy” Video & Audio 08/12/10 1:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh's current take on his “I hope he fails” statement: “I hope he fails implementing socialist” policies Video & Audio 08/12/10 12:59 PM EDT