Rush responds to Reagan nominee's Prop. 8 ruling: “Federal judiciary now run by leftist nutjobs,” “this is tyranny” Video & Audio 08/05/10 12:30 PM EDT
Carlson: Geithner “is becoming a politician” for noting that most small businesses won't be hit by upper-income tax rates Video & Audio 08/05/10 7:51 AM EDT
Rush: I Dislike Mr. Obama's White Half Just As Much As I Dislike His Black Half Article 08/04/10 3:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “I ... am not a racist. I dislike Mr. Obama's white half just as much as I dislike Mr. Obama's black half” Video & Audio 08/04/10 3:21 PM EDT
Limbaugh parody has “Bin Laden” laughing about building of Ground Zero Islamic center Video & Audio 08/04/10 2:52 PM EDT
Limbaugh: White House was “keeping the media away from the Gulf” because “there was nothing to cover, there was no disaster” Video & Audio 08/04/10 12:59 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Everybody on the left wanted” oil spill “to advance their anti-capitalist agenda” Video & Audio 08/04/10 12:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims Obama administration “did nothing for 50 days” in response to oil spill Video & Audio 08/04/10 12:40 PM EDT
Sen. Lautenberg: Limbaugh comments on dispersants “callous” and “irresponsible” Article 08/04/10 11:15 AM EDT
Market bull: Right-wing media dress up political attacks as stock analysis Article 08/04/10 10:43 AM EDT
Limbaugh falsely suggests unemployment has exceeded nine percent for “two consecutive years” Article 08/03/10 3:30 PM EDT
Rush suggests Ground Zero mosque would be a “recruiting tool for domestic extremists” Video & Audio 08/03/10 3:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Many liberals “believe we got what was coming to us on 9/11” Video & Audio 08/03/10 2:05 PM EDT
Levin: “Federalism is dead,” the Constitution is “in its last breath throes,” and “we are living in a soft tyranny” Video & Audio 08/03/10 1:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh on CBC/Obama generational divide: “These guys over in the hood, Barack up in the White House eatin' the Kobe beef” Video & Audio 08/03/10 1:39 PM EDT