Right-wing media twist the facts to fearmonger that terrorists are coming across the U.S.-Mexico border Article 03/17/21 3:30 PM EDT
Anti-LGBTQ groups are using Facebook ads to spread misinformation about the Equality Act Article 03/17/21 12:37 PM EDT
Here are the lies and distortions from Maria Bartiromo's interview of Donald Trump Article 03/17/21 10:35 AM EDT
Chris Hayes highlights Rupert Murdoch’s role in spreading COVID vaccine misinformation through Fox News Video & Audio 03/16/21 8:53 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says immigrants “punish the United States” by living here Video & Audio 03/16/21 8:36 PM EDT
Watch MSNBC's Ari Melber explain the dangerous consequences of Fox News’ COVID vaccine misinformation campaign Video & Audio 03/16/21 6:34 PM EDT
Right-wing media lash out at stimulus package provision providing aid for Black farmers Article 03/16/21 8:32 AM EDT
How some news outlets are downplaying the pandemic relief bill saving thousands of jobs Article 03/16/21 7:29 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham claims Joe Biden has put America on the “road to serfdom” Video & Audio 03/15/21 10:39 PM EDT
Maria Bartiromo: Tax cuts for the wealthy stimulate the economy because “money will go where it is treated best” Video & Audio 03/15/21 8:12 PM EDT
CNN's Brianna Keilar calls out Fox News for spreading vaccine denialism Video & Audio 03/15/21 2:55 PM EDT
Right-leaning Facebook pages earn millions of interactions fearmongering about the House voting rights bill Article 03/15/21 2:10 PM EDT
Right-wing media recklessly scapegoat migrants at the border for COVID-19 surges Article 03/15/21 12:04 PM EDT