Echoing Limbaugh, O'Reilly Factor guest host Ingraham calls Obama the “most-racial” president Video & Audio 07/28/10 9:36 PM EDT
O'Reilly Factor guest Noorani points out that judge who ruled on AZ immigration law was recommended by GOP Sen. Kyl Video & Audio 07/28/10 9:25 PM EDT
Beck says that “community organizing” is part of the Weather Underground manifesto Video & Audio 07/28/10 6:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh can't believe AZ judge is “nonpartisan” -- but she was recommended by a Republican Article 07/28/10 4:47 PM EDT
Limbaugh's Snap Judgment on AZ Court Decision: Judge “Ruled on the Spin” Article 07/28/10 3:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh on AZ decision: “I guess the judge is saying” it's not OK “for Arizona to try to defend itself from an invasion” Video & Audio 07/28/10 3:26 PM EDT
After judge's decision on immigration law, Rush predicts that “Muslim terrorists” will “have a field day in Arizona” Video & Audio 07/28/10 3:21 PM EDT
Limbaugh: AZ judge “has put the icing on the cake,” so “we're going to strike politically at the ruling class in November” Video & Audio 07/28/10 3:15 PM EDT
Limbaugh says subprime crisis was result of a “giant conspiracy” on the left Video & Audio 07/28/10 3:06 PM EDT
Complaining about Arizona immigration decision, Limbaugh attacks Sotomayor and Kagan as “activists” -- not judges Video & Audio 07/28/10 3:00 PM EDT
In attack on “affordable housing,” Limbaugh says “It was almost as though [the financial crisis] was done on purpose” Video & Audio 07/28/10 2:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims affordable housing caused financial meltdown Video & Audio 07/28/10 2:08 PM EDT
Jim Quinn targets Obama's daughters, “Sasha and Foobah, or whatever their names are” Video & Audio 07/28/10 1:27 PM EDT