Limbaugh: Obama and his supporters “have an active, ongoing, and increasing dislike of this country” Video & Audio 07/27/10 1:03 PM EDT
Surprise! The conservative-hyped Lockerbie release “scandal” completely falls apart Article 07/27/10 9:15 AM EDT
Levin: Shirley Sherrod is “not only a race-baiter, she's an idiot” Video & Audio 07/26/10 4:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims “zero mistakes,” gets Lockerbie bomber story completely wrong Article 07/26/10 3:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh: I'm a conservative, Gingrich is a “party man,” a “Republican through and through” Video & Audio 07/26/10 3:20 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama and the left believe “the United States military is the focus of evil” Video & Audio 07/26/10 3:14 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims he is “executing assigned host duties flawlessly” with “zero mistakes” Video & Audio 07/26/10 2:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “If this regime will mislead” on Lockerbie bomber, they are “certainly capable of misleading on the Wikileaks” Video & Audio 07/26/10 2:48 PM EDT
Limbaugh mocks Wikileaks' exposure of civilian deaths: “In the old days, the definition of winning a war was killing people” Video & Audio 07/26/10 12:57 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama supported release of Lockerbie bomber because he “wanted to make nice with the Muslim world” Video & Audio 07/26/10 12:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims Obama “backed the release” of the Lockerbie bomber Video & Audio 07/26/10 12:38 PM EDT
The White House made me do it: Ingraham and Gingrich absolve themselves for attacking Sherrod Article 07/25/10 4:46 PM EDT
Media Matters: “Context is everything”: Why you should (still) never trust Andrew Breitbart Article 07/23/10 4:55 PM EDT