Chait calls out Fox for hyping “extremely flimsy” New Black Panther Party story to “exploit racial fears against Obama” Article 07/15/10 4:18 PM EDT
Rush says “there's no such thing as preventive medicine” -- it's really just “mind control” and “1984” Video & Audio 07/15/10 3:13 PM EDT
Rush says Lenin is “the father of the concept of national health care” Video & Audio 07/15/10 2:55 PM EDT
Rush repeats ridiculous claim that Berwick “is a huge rationing supporter, which ultimately leads to death panels” Video & Audio 07/15/10 2:16 PM EDT
Rush: “It's the mediocre and the lazy who get propped up by the American left” Video & Audio 07/15/10 1:55 PM EDT
Olbermann again names Limbaugh “Worst Person” for defending his Steinbrenner race-baiting comments Video & Audio 07/14/10 11:17 PM EDT
Sharpton on Limbaugh: “This guy wants to own an NFL team and then he gives a racist eulogy” to Steinbrenner Video & Audio 07/14/10 7:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims Media Matters “left out” his comment that Steinbrenner “knew when to die” Video & Audio 07/14/10 1:29 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Holder “might get serious about going after Al Qaeda now” because of racism charges Video & Audio 07/14/10 1:07 PM EDT