Limbaugh: "[T]he only way the left can get what they want is to destroy our capitalist system" Video & Audio 07/12/10 2:05 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Obama and Holder “continue to protect and represent” New Black Panther Video & Audio 07/12/10 1:46 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “this is the Democrats' economy -- Obama didn't inherit anything. This is not Bush's economy” Video & Audio 07/12/10 1:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama may want Republicans to win midterm elections so he can blame them for laws passed in lame-duck session Video & Audio 07/12/10 12:52 PM EDT
CNN's Kurtz suggests “case [could] be made” that Limbaugh's race-baiting Obama comments are correct Video & Audio 07/11/10 12:03 PM EDT
Media Matters: The greatest science “scandal” “in the history of man” predictably falls apart Article 07/09/10 6:32 PM EDT
“Real food” advocate Limbaugh falsely claims “leftist kooks ... want to ban Chinese food” Article 07/09/10 5:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “All This Talk About Growth -- Nothing But Lies. ... If Liars Could Fly, the White House Would Be an Airport” Article 07/09/10 4:31 PM EDT
Limbaugh on AZ law: Obama “sell[ing] the country and a particular state down the river in order to secure a voting bloc” Video & Audio 07/09/10 3:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh on immigration legislation in 1986: “Reagan's amnesty was a disaster” Video & Audio 07/09/10 3:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “destroy[ed] the economy,” “squander[ed] a trillion dollars” “on purpose” Video & Audio 07/09/10 3:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “All this talk about growth --nothing but lies. ... If liars could fly, the White House would be an airport” Video & Audio 07/09/10 2:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Berwick is an “open advocate of rationing, which is shorthand for death panels” Video & Audio 07/09/10 2:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh: NRDC on spill commission like “putting Colonel Sanders on a commission to save the lives of chickens” Video & Audio 07/09/10 2:50 PM EDT
Rush smears health group as “wacko bunch of leftist kooks” who are “no different than your crazy aunt in the basement” Video & Audio 07/09/10 1:57 PM EDT
Beck: “These people will take over the Internet. These people will destroy talk radio. These people will take Fox News off” Video & Audio 07/09/10 1:46 PM EDT
Savage: “We wind up with Barack Obama as president because of white guilt” Video & Audio 07/09/10 11:54 AM EDT