Limbaugh: I help the environment by taking “a lot of vacations,” giving employees bonuses Video & Audio 06/24/10 2:26 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Jim Moran and his ilk are encouraging people to steal, to rob, to threaten their fellow citizens” Video & Audio 06/24/10 1:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Obama is “hen-pecked” by his wife, who won't let him have “real food” Video & Audio 06/24/10 12:48 PM EDT
Hannity and Coulter criticize “thin-skinned” Obama over McChrystal resignation Video & Audio 06/23/10 10:00 PM EDT
Miller says “we've got some Jane Austen rules of engagement in Afghanistan” Video & Audio 06/23/10 8:53 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed McChrystal “didn't get the rules of engagement” or troops he wanted Article 06/23/10 5:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims “Obama did not vote to condemn the Betrayus ad” Video & Audio 06/23/10 3:19 PM EDT
Limbaugh: McChrystal resignation is “a circus” to promote the leadership qualities “of our man-child president” Video & Audio 06/23/10 3:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Go, go, go,” cheers on Rep. Steve Scalise for not condemning him on Hardball Video & Audio 06/23/10 1:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Rep. Jim McDermott “and people like him” are “driving us” toward being “a soup kitchen nation” Video & Audio 06/23/10 1:16 PM EDT
Limbaugh reacts to congressional criticism: “Dumpster dive” for food “is a leftist idea” Video & Audio 06/23/10 1:07 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama using McChrystal issue “to distract from all the negative economic news” Video & Audio 06/23/10 12:33 PM EDT
Congressional Republicans criticize Limbaugh for his BP support -- apologies forthcoming Article 06/23/10 12:17 PM EDT
Limbaugh: McChrystal Comments “Indefensible,” But He Should Be Listened To Article 06/22/10 5:20 PM EDT