As oil execs admit their spill plans are “embarrassing,” right-wingers slam moratorium Article 06/16/10 5:21 PM EDT
Limbaugh attacks school lunches, suggests hungry children should “dumpster dive” Video & Audio 06/16/10 4:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls escrow account “another bailout fund” and a “slush fund,” speculates money may go to ACORN to “buy votes” Video & Audio 06/16/10 3:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh uses “fraud” Obama's speech to attack “fraud” of global warming Video & Audio 06/16/10 1:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh mocks Malia Obama, adds, “We've got a boy -- We've got a child here playing president” Video & Audio 06/16/10 1:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh asks why federal government isn't contributing to BP's escrow account Video & Audio 06/16/10 12:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh promotes Heritage's misleading claim that admin refused help due to the Jones' Act Video & Audio 06/15/10 3:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Asking a congressman if they support Obama's agenda is like asking if they're a “Satanist” -- “the most insulting question you can ask” Video & Audio 06/15/10 3:18 PM EDT
Rush “just can't see” Gore having a affair because there “has to be a willing participant in an affair,” Video & Audio 06/15/10 2:57 PM EDT
Urbanski: Tea parties may be “last hope,” “last chance” to “save the republic” Video & Audio 06/14/10 4:15 PM EDT