Fox’s flagship “straight news” show has a troubling record on the climate crisis Research/Study 06/16/21 12:01 PM EDT
The Heritage Foundation's critical race theory expert is an extremist who thinks women should not hold jobs and is very concerned with virginity Article 06/08/21 12:55 PM EDT
The good, the bad, and the ugly of TV news coverage of Big Oil’s consequential day Article 06/03/21 4:19 PM EDT
Corporate TV news coverage of the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack failed to mention its historic leak Research/Study 05/26/21 3:03 PM EDT
Fox's Laura Ingraham speculates Democrats put COVID restrictions in place as a way of “conditioning the public” for climate lockdowns Video & Audio 05/18/21 10:54 PM EDT
In new open letter, diverse coalition of organizations urges media buyers not to buy ads on Fox News Article 05/18/21 12:04 PM EDT
To mark the occasion on Zuckerberg’s 37th birthday, here are 37 indefensible problems with Facebook Article 05/14/21 6:22 PM EDT
Fox News tries to paint pipeline shutdown as a massive economic crisis — after it’s already been restarted Article 05/13/21 6:23 PM EDT
In obscuring what the Liz Cheney debate is about, Fox News is choosing Trumpian authoritarianism over American democracy Article 05/12/21 11:17 AM EDT
Right-wing media are having a field day with physicist Steve Koonin’s new book of climate misinformation Article 05/11/21 10:23 AM EDT
The right-wing media's undeserved freakout over a teachers union’s contact with the CDC about reopening schools Article 05/06/21 2:51 PM EDT
How broadcast TV news covered environmental justice over the past four years Research/Study 05/06/21 11:10 AM EDT
Sean Hannity: If “we only have 10 years” to address climate change, then “to hell with it, let's just have a big party” Video & Audio 05/05/21 4:52 PM EDT