Limbaugh's sexist praise: “Would it be nice if we had some male Republicans with half of this courage” as Gov. Brewer Video & Audio 05/17/10 2:08 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “This [oil] spill is nothing more than an opportunity for the Left to continue to attack this country” Video & Audio 05/17/10 1:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “When do we ask the Sierra Club to pick up the tab for this leak?” Video & Audio 05/17/10 12:58 PM EDT
UPDATED: Myths and falsehoods about Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination Article 05/17/10 9:18 AM EDT
WSJ's Rabinowitz lauds Kagan's record on free speech, says she's not “anti-military” Video & Audio 05/15/10 2:39 PM EDT
Media Matters: Conservatives claim Kagan is an inexperienced, socialist, Marxist bad driver who hates the military and wants to steal your guns Article 05/14/10 7:19 PM EDT
Which baseless attack will right-wing media choose: Is Kagan too pro- or too anti-free speech? Article 05/14/10 3:55 PM EDT
Limbaugh embraces Palin's false claim that health reform bill funds abortion Video & Audio 05/14/10 2:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh and Beck falsely claim Kagan supports restriction of conservative speech Article 05/14/10 2:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Kagan's thesis: “It is clear this babe is hot for socialism” Video & Audio 05/14/10 2:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Holder and Obama share the same “values” as radical Islamists Video & Audio 05/14/10 2:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “BP can't hold a candle to the Obama regime when it comes to destruction” Video & Audio 05/14/10 1:44 PM EDT
Beck forwards smears that Kagan is hostile to gun rights and free speech Video & Audio 05/14/10 1:31 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “We still don't know what Obama's done” on oil spill besides “making speeches” Video & Audio 05/14/10 1:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “This is a great day for Obama” because of “chaos” and “tumult” Video & Audio 05/14/10 12:41 PM EDT