Beck falsely suggests Kagan endorsed government action against conservative speech Article 05/14/10 12:08 AM EDT
Limbaugh says people who “want to matter” are “lure[d] ... in” to environmental activism, links to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter Video & Audio 05/13/10 3:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “regime” creating a “path of destruction,” energy bill intended to “control” Video & Audio 05/13/10 1:40 PM EDT
Rush: “These people on the left are just pure simple ... cowards” on AZ immigration law Video & Audio 05/13/10 1:14 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls fears of AZ law leading to racial profiling “wacko accusations” Video & Audio 05/13/10 1:12 PM EDT
Beck co-host Gray forwards bogus claim that Kagan “says that some speech can be disppeared” Video & Audio 05/13/10 11:34 AM EDT
Legal experts contradict Limbaugh's claim that Kagan “doesn't like” First Amendment Article 05/12/10 9:05 PM EDT
Matthews reports no Republicans have accepted his “challenge” to appear and disagree with Limbaugh Video & Audio 05/12/10 6:12 PM EDT
Rush repeats show mantra: “The objective is to stop liberalism wherever it is” Article 05/12/10 4:16 PM EDT
Limbaugh raises discredited Kagan rumors to attack Democrats, GLAAD Video & Audio 05/12/10 3:32 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Kagan is a “budding communist,” “the first amendment is something she doesn't like” Video & Audio 05/12/10 3:15 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “the objective is to stop liberalism wherever it is” Video & Audio 05/12/10 2:44 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Obama is a “immature childish manchild” who is trying to “get out” of Afghanistan “without victory” Video & Audio 05/12/10 2:31 PM EDT
Limbaugh says Democrats “are siding against the American people” on immigration Video & Audio 05/12/10 2:01 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims Obama has “tripled our debt in less than one year” Video & Audio 05/12/10 1:28 PM EDT
Thurgood Marshall College Fund pushes back against Limbaugh's attacks on former Justice, endorses Kagan Article 05/12/10 1:10 PM EDT