Fox & Friends complains that Robert Mueller's press conference was a “personal” attack on Trump Video & Audio 05/30/19 9:02 AM EDT
Fox's flagship news program, Special Report, allows talk radio host Mark Levin to claim Trump has been “tame” and “incredibly passive” towards the press Video & Audio 05/20/19 7:31 PM EDT
Fox & Friends guest fearmongers about Medicare for All: “In a lot of countries if you fall and break your hip at 75 years of age, you don't get it fixed” Video & Audio 05/15/19 10:17 AM EDT
Eric Bolling is using his Sinclair and BlazeTV shows to elevate conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and Roger Stone Article 05/03/19 2:23 PM EDT
Trump has referenced Fox News in 43% of his recent tweets about Mueller Article 05/01/19 11:52 AM EDT
The Mueller report didn’t address collusion, but that’s not stopping Fox News from screaming “no collusion” Article 04/19/19 1:12 PM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin calls the Mueller report a “200-page op-ed” and a “political document that he should never have written” Video & Audio 04/19/19 11:28 AM EDT
Fox & Friends hosts Trump's Medicare director to smear Sen. Bernie Sanders' “Medicare for All” plan Video & Audio 04/17/19 8:52 AM EDT
Fox & Friends fearmongers that “Medicare for All” could result in surgery rationing Video & Audio 04/08/19 10:19 AM EDT
Mark Levin lauds Fox News opinion shows for attacking the Mueller probe Video & Audio 03/24/19 10:06 AM EDT
Fox's Mark Levin: Democrats would “have sniper towers all over the place” if undocumented immigrants could vote for Republicans Video & Audio 03/21/19 10:09 PM EDT
Sean Hannity suggests people didn’t vote for Trump because “pee tape” rumors. The Steele dossier wasn’t released until months after the election. Article 03/19/19 5:37 PM EDT
Fox News contributor on Medicare-for-all: “What it really comes down to is, Americans are still Americans. ... We're not communists” Video & Audio 03/01/19 8:27 AM EST
Death panels redux: Mark Levin suggests “Medicare-for-all” will lead to senior citizens being murdered Video & Audio 02/28/19 5:25 PM EST