Fox News spread election misinformation on YouTube. YouTube now lists Fox as an “authoritative” election source. Article 10/27/20 1:52 PM EDT
Right-wing media twist the facts to defend Trump’s child separation policy that lost track of 545 migrant children's families Article 10/27/20 9:19 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham guest Dr. Ramin Oskoui attacks mask-wearing for slowing down “herd immunity” Video & Audio 10/26/20 11:26 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham says current number of COVID cases is “not a particularly relevant” metric in gauging handling of pandemic Video & Audio 10/26/20 11:15 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham praises Mark Meadows for saying “we're not going to control the pandemic” Video & Audio 10/26/20 10:50 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson guest: The Supreme Court “invented abortion rights as a constitutional right” Video & Audio 10/26/20 8:45 PM EDT
Ignoring its own policies, TikTok enables last-ditch smears against Hunter Biden to spread on the platform Article 10/26/20 6:28 PM EDT
With Amy Coney Barrett set to be confirmed, Fox News promotes conspiracy theories about Pennsylvania voting case Article 10/26/20 6:11 PM EDT
Fox guest claims mask mandates are why “the number of cases took off” Video & Audio 10/26/20 5:58 PM EDT
Right-wing media push Trump campaign’s false claim of a Biden “gaffe” — and NBC News falls for it Article 10/26/20 3:05 PM EDT
Local news stations' Facebook pages downplayed coronavirus concerns at recent Trump rallies Article 10/26/20 7:17 AM EDT
Fox's Maria Bartiromo asks Mark Meadows if Christopher Wray and Gina Haspel will be fired for “insubordination” Video & Audio 10/25/20 11:45 AM EDT
Amid spiking virus cases, Fox host accuses Joe Biden of virtue signaling for not holding large rallies Article 10/25/20 11:31 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson praises the 1994 crime bill for addressing “a very real problem” Video & Audio 10/23/20 8:54 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson claims parents are “refusing to reunite” with their children after being separated at the border Video & Audio 10/23/20 8:36 PM EDT