Rush reacts to attack on “racist dog” by mocking hate crime statutes Video & Audio 04/07/10 1:22 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims media is out to portray “conservatives as kooks, black helicopter types, the tin foil hat crowd” Video & Audio 04/07/10 1:05 PM EDT
Experts, military brass reject right-wing media claims about Obama's nuclear policy review Article 04/06/10 8:48 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama Nuclear Rreview: “Here Comes Dr. Kevorkian ... Committing National Suicide” Article 04/06/10 4:17 PM EDT
Rush is “laughing at” con-artists peddling fake insurance “because it's an unintended consequence of the regime” Video & Audio 04/06/10 2:56 PM EDT
Rush claims Obama's nuclear review “is going to lead to more nukes” Video & Audio 04/06/10 1:50 PM EDT
Rush claims Obama nuclear review is a “roll back of the Reagan revolution” Video & Audio 04/06/10 1:34 PM EDT
Rush says Obama “has done a great job of undermining our national defense” Video & Audio 04/06/10 1:18 PM EDT
Rush on Obama nuclear review: “Here comes Dr. Kevorkian...committing national suicide.” Video & Audio 04/06/10 1:01 PM EDT
Matthews and panel say Limbaugh refers to Obama's “regime,” “junta” to make Obama seem foreign Video & Audio 04/05/10 5:46 PM EDT
Limbaugh: People are “surprised that John Lewis would sell out the civil rights movement” for health care reform Article 04/05/10 4:26 PM EDT
Rush explains he's been comparing Obama to the Idi Amin, Chavez, and Castro regimes Video & Audio 04/05/10 3:40 PM EDT
Rush says “girly-man” Obama “looks like a girl out there” and “Castro can at least throw a baseball” Video & Audio 04/05/10 3:07 PM EDT