Tucker Carlson compares coronavirus precautions to sending Americans to die in pointless wars Video & Audio 10/06/20 8:29 PM EDT
New York Post columnist tells Fox News that elderly people are “selfish” for sheltering at home as a result of COVID-19 Video & Audio 10/06/20 6:10 PM EDT
Trump’s recycled “flu” lie shows how desperate pro-Trump media is for a winning message right now Article 10/06/20 5:29 PM EDT
The James O’Keefe cycle: After Sean Hannity’s eager promotion, another Project Veritas video falls apart Article 10/06/20 5:12 PM EDT
Fox News' celebration of Trump leaving the hospital is going to get people killed Article 10/06/20 12:14 PM EDT
Trump touted the endorsement of an unhinged QAnon conspiracy theorist and birther Article 10/06/20 11:37 AM EDT
Fox & Friends scrambles to defend Trump for returning to the White House while potentially contagious with COVID-19 Video & Audio 10/06/20 10:37 AM EDT
James and Kathryn Murdoch must speak out against Fox News' attacks on democracy Article 10/06/20 9:22 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson on dangers of COVID: “At some point we are all going to die” Video & Audio 10/05/20 8:42 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Trump leaving Walter Reed proves “coronavirus isn't quite as scary as they're telling you it is” Video & Audio 10/05/20 8:35 PM EDT
On Fox, Rudy Giuliani mocks Joe Biden for wearing a mask as “political theater” Video & Audio 10/05/20 8:18 PM EDT
Fox guest says Trump's “animal spirits” give him a high chance of full recovery from COVID Video & Audio 10/05/20 7:27 PM EDT
Fox News whines at any criticism of Trump’s behaviors leading up to COVID-19 diagnosis Article 10/05/20 1:09 PM EDT
Trumpist media claim his COVID diagnosis validates their war on public health recommendations -- and the president is listening Article 10/05/20 11:58 AM EDT
Pro-Trump media tout hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Trump's case of coronavirus Article 10/05/20 10:40 AM EDT
A Walter Reed physician called Trump's COVID joyride “insanity.” Right-wing media cheered Trump on. Article 10/04/20 7:45 PM EDT
Trump's medical team made misleading statements. Major news outlets uncritically trumpeted their claims anyway. Article 10/04/20 4:14 PM EDT