Fox Business guest: “An ethnic cleansing” of conservatives is happening in California Video & Audio 10/01/20 6:16 PM EDT
Cable news invited primarily white, male guests to discuss Justice Ginsburg’s death and the Supreme Court’s future Research/Study 10/01/20 4:06 PM EDT
How Fox News helped turn Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes into a right-wing media star Article 10/01/20 2:08 PM EDT
Fox guest calls the AP stylebook “newspeak ... trying to change words” to “cut us off from each other” Video & Audio 10/01/20 10:16 AM EDT
Fox News demonized people for supposedly not paying their fair share of taxes for years -- and then Trump came along Article 10/01/20 9:18 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham: Potential new debate commission rules are designed around “muzzling Trump” Video & Audio 09/30/20 10:48 PM EDT
Fox’s Mark Levin: Chris Wallace’s debate questions about white supremacy were part of a plot to hurt Trump with Black voters Video & Audio 09/30/20 8:04 PM EDT
Fox host defends Donald Trump's refusal to denounce white supremacy and right wing extremist group Video & Audio 09/30/20 5:52 PM EDT
Rush Limbaugh whines about climate crisis debate question: “What the hell has climate change got to do with anything here?” Video & Audio 09/30/20 4:26 PM EDT
After Trump's Proud Boys debate remarks, right-wing media replay Charlottesville playbook Article 09/30/20 4:17 PM EDT
Responding to public pressure, media scrutiny, and reality, presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace actually asks about climate change Article 09/30/20 2:59 PM EDT
Fox's Chris Wallace asked over 70 questions in the first presidential debate and none were about LGBTQ issues Article 09/30/20 12:08 PM EDT
Fox panel on Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand by”: Biden never condemned Black Lives Matter Video & Audio 09/30/20 7:59 AM EDT
Fox host Brian Kilmeade: “Trump blew the biggest layup in the history of debates” by not condemning white supremacists Video & Audio 09/30/20 7:20 AM EDT
Proud Boys and far-right figures cheered Trump's debate call for them to “stand by” Article 09/30/20 12:00 AM EDT