Fox contributor: Schools are “at less risk than almost any other profession of transmitting the disease” Video & Audio 08/04/20 8:24 PM EDT
Facebook allowed a pro-Trump PAC to run hundreds of ads with false information about Joe Biden Article 08/04/20 5:50 PM EDT
Social media giants are under fire for allowing COVID-19 misinformation. Fox News' standards are even lower. Article 08/04/20 10:10 AM EDT
Sean Hannity attacks COVID relief bill for including “a blue state bailout for failed Democratic governors” Video & Audio 08/03/20 10:16 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says it's “illegal” for Joe Biden to prioritize women of color in his choice for running mate Video & Audio 08/03/20 8:35 PM EDT
Fox host says Fox will continue booking doctor making dubious claims “because people want to believe what you’re saying” Video & Audio 08/03/20 8:27 PM EDT
Ron Paul uses Fox Business appearance to push conspiracy theory about a COVID-19 vaccine and Bill Gates Article 08/03/20 1:14 PM EDT
Fox News’ Steve Hilton continues coronavirus misinformation, claims “most people have nothing to fear” Article 08/03/20 12:32 PM EDT
Fox's Jeanine Pirro: The point of wearing masks is to “dehumanize” and “frighten people” Video & Audio 08/03/20 10:47 AM EDT
After riding Ebola fears to victory in 2014, right-wing media are playing politics with the 2020 pandemic Article 08/03/20 10:20 AM EDT
Senate Republicans waited until unemployment benefits expired — but the Sunday shows blame it on Democrats Article 08/02/20 1:53 PM EDT
Fox's Jason Chaffetz: Democrats “are okay with rioting and domestic terrorism” Video & Audio 07/31/20 10:19 PM EDT
Angelo Carusone: James Murdoch resigning does not absolve him of the blood on his hands Article 07/31/20 6:35 PM EDT