Fox News radio host on 100,000 coronavirus deaths: “I know some folks in the media want to use that as a cudgel for political blame” Video & Audio 05/28/20 2:04 PM EDT
Fox contributor: 100,000 have died from COVID-19, but “it has not been nearly as devastating outside of maybe 11 states" Video & Audio 05/28/20 1:13 PM EDT
Fox doesn’t want its viewers to know that more than 100,000 Americans have died from coronavirus Article 05/28/20 12:22 PM EDT
Rachel Maddow highlights Fox News putting 100,000 coronavirus deaths milestone deep down on front page Video & Audio 05/28/20 11:48 AM EDT
Karl Rove continues Fox News “analysis” of election campaign — without disclosing Trump campaign ties Article 05/28/20 9:38 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson calls Minneapolis protests against police brutality “a form of tyranny” Video & Audio 05/27/20 8:51 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson calls fact checking politicians “the darkness of censorship” Video & Audio 05/27/20 8:41 PM EDT
Fox’s Greg Gutfeld blames “the unbending mind” for killing of George Floyd and questions what happened before video started Video & Audio 05/27/20 6:44 PM EDT
Lou Dobbs guest accuses China of unleashing a “bioweapon” to “murder” 100,000 Americans Video & Audio 05/27/20 6:19 PM EDT
With this Joe Scarborough conspiracy theory, Donald Trump is sending a mob boss message Article 05/27/20 2:42 PM EDT
As America faces 100,000 COVID-19 deaths, the national death toll is absent from Fox prime time Research/Study 05/27/20 11:46 AM EDT
Fox News contributor says Biden wearing required mask at Memorial Day ceremony was “virtue-signaling” Video & Audio 05/27/20 10:55 AM EDT
Allstate, GEICO, Liberty Mutual, Progressive, and USAA have a long history of standing by Fox’s science denial and disinformation Research/Study 05/27/20 9:59 AM EDT
Fox guest compares reporting violations of social distancing to Jews who “would turn in their younger people” in the Warsaw Ghetto Video & Audio 05/26/20 10:46 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham calls for ending federal aid to states run by “lockdown liberals” Video & Audio 05/26/20 10:40 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “There is still no science or data at all, after two months, that these lockdowns have done very much to halt the spread of this virus” Video & Audio 05/26/20 8:33 PM EDT
Fox's Brit Hume defends Donald Trump’s refusal to wear a mask because “he doesn’t want to look funny” Video & Audio 05/26/20 7:59 PM EDT