Tucker Carlson mockingly calls climate change “systemic racism in the sky” Video & Audio 09/11/20 8:24 PM EDT
Rush Limbaugh falsely claims “it’s absolute bunk” that climate change has worsened the California wildfires Article 09/11/20 5:53 PM EDT
Cable news largely failed to mention the connection between climate change and wildfires in its coverage Research/Study 09/11/20 3:02 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “There's no evidence” climate change contributed to wildfires ravaging the West Coast Video & Audio 09/10/20 9:34 PM EDT
Broadcast and cable news coverage of Hurricane Laura was shallow and decontextualized Research/Study 09/10/20 3:28 PM EDT
Corporate broadcast TV news fails to make crucial connection between record-breaking California wildfires and climate crisis Research/Study 09/10/20 2:07 PM EDT
The press is making the same mistakes as 2016 — and time is running out to fix the problem Article 09/08/20 9:05 AM EDT
Broadcast TV networks’ August wildfire coverage missed key factors including climate change, coronavirus, and prison labor Research/Study 09/04/20 2:07 PM EDT
Fox News' misinformation and lies about Biden are dominating cable news coverage of fracking Article 09/03/20 11:30 AM EDT
Covering Hurricane Laura during the Republican National Convention, broadcast news failed to connect storm to Trump's policies and climate crisis Article 08/27/20 7:18 PM EDT
Fox News host Mark Levin pushes fringe climate denial in an unhinged rant on the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations Video & Audio 08/21/20 11:29 AM EDT
As climate change took the stage at the Democratic National Convention, right-wing media pushed 3 lies about Biden’s climate plan Article 08/20/20 5:51 PM EDT
Fox has spent the last month repeatedly lying about Biden's climate plan Article 08/20/20 3:51 PM EDT
Timeline: The myriad ways Facebook has exploited users' trust and privacy for profit in recent years Narrative/Timeline 08/19/20 11:55 AM EDT
Daily Wire podcaster who “often bragged” he was immune to poison ivy calls for ignorant people to be barred from voting Article 08/04/20 10:49 AM EDT
Corporate broadcast TV news fails to connect extreme heat to climate, COVID-19, or racial injustice Research/Study 07/21/20 3:38 PM EDT