Limbaugh on NY-23 congressional race: “Party bosses and these big thinkers like Newt screwed the whole thing up” Video & Audio 11/04/09 12:46 PM EST
Limbaugh dismisses exit polls, says governors' races were all “about Obama” Video & Audio 11/04/09 12:35 PM EST
Ignoring Fox's own fearmongering, Fox's Dr. Marc Siegel attacks gov't, fearmongers for vaccine shortages Video & Audio 11/04/09 10:51 AM EST
Limbaugh touts “theory” about “minority thought pattern, which is, 'The white guy has made me a perpetual victim' ” Video & Audio 11/03/09 6:36 PM EST
Limbaugh: H1N1 vaccine shortage “ought to be Obama's Katrina,” but won't because “they have to protect the little man-child” Video & Audio 11/03/09 3:10 PM EST
Limbaugh's upset kids can't get vaccine that may have been “developed to kill” them? Article 11/03/09 2:49 PM EST
Limbaugh names names, lists GOPers who have “left the tent,” including Newt Gingrich, Peggy Noonan and George W. Bush Video & Audio 11/03/09 2:48 PM EST
Rush whines “it's not fair” that the media “didn't get mad at Castro” for criticizing Obama “but they get mad at me” Video & Audio 11/03/09 2:15 PM EST
Echoing Fund's baseless accusations, Limbaugh warns of “ACORN factor,” “vote fraud factor” in today's elections Video & Audio 11/03/09 1:58 PM EST
Limbaugh: “Moderates don't have principles”; “they're just a bunch of arrogant, conceited -- and at the same time -- ignorant people” Video & Audio 11/03/09 1:58 PM EST
Fox News finds another cause: Promoting Rep. Bachmann's health care protest Article 11/03/09 1:58 PM EST
Following Rep. Foxx's lead, media conservatives compare health care reform to terrorism Article 11/03/09 1:45 PM EST
Limbaugh stands by “bestiality” remark: “Well, I think it was a fabulous line” Video & Audio 11/03/09 1:41 PM EST
Limbaugh: people personally offended by his bestiality remark must have “personal experience,” bestiality must be protected by hate crime law Video & Audio 11/03/09 1:27 PM EST