In defending protests against social distancing, Tucker Carlson takes Democratic lawmakers out of context Article 04/16/20 10:48 PM EDT
Lou Dobbs suggests coronavirus is “biological warfare” by China against the United States Video & Audio 04/16/20 6:25 PM EDT
A comprehensive guide to Fox’s promotion of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine Research/Study 04/16/20 5:01 PM EDT
Fox News is promoting protests against social distancing measures: “God bless them” Article 04/16/20 11:56 AM EDT
Dr. Oz solicits Fox News viewers to join an at-home hydroxychloroquine clinical trial Article 04/16/20 11:45 AM EDT
Fox's Jeanine Pirro praises Michigan protests against COVID mitigation efforts and says there will be more “all over the country” Video & Audio 04/15/20 10:31 PM EDT
Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro: “Americans want to get back to work and the left is trying to stop that from happening” Video & Audio 04/15/20 10:26 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson praises the Michigan protest against coronavirus mitigation efforts Video & Audio 04/15/20 9:39 PM EDT
Fox News guest: “The number of deaths from the shutdown may exceed the number of deaths from the coronavirus” Video & Audio 04/15/20 8:10 PM EDT
Fox’s Geraldo Rivera: It's “very dishonest” to interrupt Trump's coronavirus press briefings to fact-check his claims Video & Audio 04/15/20 6:39 PM EDT
Fox News’ Diamond & Silk declare they will refuse any COVID-19 vaccine Bill Gates was involved with, falsely claiming he “pushed for population control” Video & Audio 04/15/20 4:26 PM EDT
Fox News complains that federal coronavirus relief bill incentivizes employers to pay workers Article 04/15/20 4:22 PM EDT
On Fox News, notorious anti-LGBTQ bigot Franklin Graham lies that he doesn’t “bash homosexuals” Article 04/15/20 3:09 PM EDT
New poll: Nearly half of frequent Fox viewers say COVID-19 death toll is inflated Article 04/15/20 8:15 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Michelle Obama’s vote by mail campaign would destroy faith in our democracy Video & Audio 04/14/20 8:33 PM EDT
Conservative media push Sweden’s coronavirus response even as evidence suggests that it isn’t working Article 04/14/20 4:14 PM EDT