Juan Williams a dittohead?: Subbing for O'Reilly, Williams suggests Obama admin caused failure of Limbaugh NFL bid Video & Audio 10/16/09 8:56 PM EDT
Krauthammer on Fox: Obama “still thinks of himself in messianic terms” Video & Audio 10/16/09 8:36 PM EDT
O'Reilly ignores Limbaugh's history of racially charged remarks in claiming McNabb comments are “only thing we can find” Article 10/16/09 8:27 PM EDT
Limbaugh to caller: “If somebody calls you a racist,” say “mind their own business” Video & Audio 10/16/09 6:12 PM EDT
More health care fearmongering from Limbaugh: Kidney transplants may be politicized Video & Audio 10/16/09 3:46 PM EDT
NY Times article ignores anti-gay bigotry and smears at heart of attacks on Jennings Article 10/16/09 3:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Texas is ready to recede -- secede from the nation because of Obama” Video & Audio 10/16/09 2:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh conspiracy theory: Obama “corrupt[ed]” November elections, Nobel, NFL new-owner bidding process, etc. Video & Audio 10/16/09 2:43 PM EDT
Limbaugh: NFL “as politicized as anything else,” “Obama people have got their hooks in the NFL now” Video & Audio 10/16/09 1:31 PM EDT
Levin: Obama admin has “same” thinking as dictators and totalitarian regimes Video & Audio 10/16/09 12:56 PM EDT
Levin fearmongers on health care: “Senior citizens, you are in their target area. ... You will be expended” Video & Audio 10/16/09 12:03 PM EDT
Irony alert: Right-wing bloggers lecture the press about fairness. Or, leave Rush alone! Article 10/16/09 9:18 AM EDT