Limbaugh blames Obama for “circle of strife,” claims Obama has “created about a dozen miniature civil wars” Video & Audio 10/13/09 1:11 PM EDT
Beck on Limbaugh: “All Americans owe him a debt for the safety of our country” Video & Audio 10/13/09 12:49 PM EDT
NBC asks Limbaugh to play word association -- he proceeds to attack Obamas, Clintons, Carter Video & Audio 10/13/09 11:23 AM EDT
Limbaugh on conservative media: “Look what I have spawned”; on Beck: “Glenn Beck is a result of my success” Video & Audio 10/13/09 10:12 AM EDT
Playing Limbaugh's declaration that he's “colorblind,” Matthews responds: “Yeah, right” Video & Audio 10/13/09 8:26 AM EDT
Matthews: Whether or not Limbuagh allowed to buy Rams, “he wins either way; he gets to be a victim” Video & Audio 10/12/09 5:59 PM EDT
NFL players' union opposes Limbaugh's bid for Rams, says football “overcomes division and rejects discrimination and hatred” Article 10/11/09 12:51 PM EDT
Media Matters: Right again makes an anti-American ass of itself following Obama's Nobel win Article 10/09/09 9:50 PM EDT
ESPN picks up NY Daily News article on NFL players refusing to play for Limbaugh Video & Audio 10/09/09 9:42 PM EDT
O'Reilly departs from conservative media: "[H]aving a U.S. president honored with a Peace Prize is good for the country" Video & Audio 10/09/09 8:56 PM EDT
Beck calls his audience “zombies,” O'Reilly dismisses Beck's flu vaccine conspiracies: “That's nuts” Video & Audio 10/09/09 5:44 PM EDT
Echo chamber: Limbaugh cites Fox Business segment to describe attempt to limit CO2 as a “hoax” Video & Audio 10/09/09 3:33 PM EDT