Fox News guest calls the CDC a “highly politicized organization” because of “how they've acted on gun control” Video & Audio 03/04/20 11:16 PM EST
Donald Trump praises Fox hosts he considers “supporters” but complains that some are too “fair and balanced” Video & Audio 03/04/20 9:50 PM EST
Fox News host promotes need for government to pay costs of coronavirus testing Video & Audio 03/04/20 4:14 PM EST
Fox News couldn't pass up an opportunity to use coronavirus to attack homeless people and California Article 03/04/20 2:57 PM EST
On Fox News, GOP consultant lies about Trump, health care, and coronavirus Article 03/04/20 1:27 PM EST
Fox host says America should use “the power of positive thinking” to beat coronavirus Video & Audio 03/03/20 6:21 PM EST
Here are the Democratic candidates who TV news has talked about the most in 2020 Research/Study 03/03/20 5:39 PM EST
Laura Ingraham: Rep. Ilhan Omar is “kind of a denier of Al Qaeda” Video & Audio 03/02/20 10:35 PM EST
Lou Dobbs wants a special counsel appointed to investigate Joe Biden Video & Audio 03/02/20 8:11 PM EST
Sunday show hosts fail to mention key context of Trump's coronavirus response Article 03/02/20 5:13 PM EST
Fox News handles coronavirus by pivoting to what it knows: Attacking Democrats and the media Article 03/02/20 4:42 PM EST
GOP-endorsed congressional candidate pushes unhinged Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory Article 03/02/20 2:32 PM EST
Right-wing media figures use coronavirus to call for closure of the Mexican border Article 03/02/20 2:09 PM EST
Passenger from cruise ship where multiple people died of coronavirus tells Fox News that the disease is overhyped Video & Audio 02/29/20 12:37 PM EST
White House reportedly shutting down media appearances by disease expert Dr. Fauci Article 02/28/20 4:08 PM EST